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You can expect an atmosphere that is welcoming and engaging! Our service style is a mix of contemporary and traditional. There may be some elements that are new to you, but we try to explain why we believe each part of our service is important. You will see dress including everything from business casual to jeans and even a few shorts and flip flops in the summer. Come as you are and rest in arms of Jesus!


During the school year we have discipleship classes for children and young adults. 

Every Sunday before the service we have a time of fellowship in the Commons. We provide coffee and snacks so feel free to jump in and help yourself. It’s a time to hang out, meet new people, and get caught up with one another.

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What about the kids?

There is nothing in Scripture to suggest kids should not be worshipping alongside their parents. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (Mt. 19:14). Parents are charged with teaching the next generation to walk with God (Deut 6:4-7, 20-25), and since worship is at the heart of walking with God, our kids learn “reverence and awe” by watching us worship. While we gladly abide with any extra commotion this creates, there are kids worship bags and other materials for kids (sermon notes, paper, and crayons) near the main entrance to the building, a nursery for children up to three years old (possibly four if it is not too crowded), and a private room for nursing mothers.

Why do we celebrate the Lord’s Supper each week?

We love God and naturally want to participate in the body and blood of Christ, to commune with Him. There is participation in the “cup of blessing” and the loaf that makes us one as often as we gather together (1 Cor. 10:16-21). This was the practice of the apostolic church (Acts 2:42; 1 Cor. 11:20). As Paul describes in 1 Cor. 11, the Lord’s Supper is the household meal of the family of God. Along with this, we speak of the sacraments (Baptism, Lord’s Supper) as “means of grace”—that is, ways that God imparts grace to His people. This is how we understand Paul’s usage of the words “partake” and “participate.” There is a bond that we have in Jesus Christ in this meal. We do not want less of grace, but more of it. 

Why do we stand during some parts of the worship service?

We stand during the “Call to Worship” and during the reading of the Word of God because it is biblical to stand during worship (Neh. 9:1-5; 2 Chron 7:6). In the Bible, it is common for God’s people to stand in response to God’s presence (Ex. 33:8); to stand in awe of God’s deeds (Hab. 3:2); to stand for the reading of the Word (Neh. 8:5); to stand to offer thanks and praise (1 Chron. 23:30); to stand to confess sins (Neh. 9:1-5); to stand to pray and intercede (Gen. 18: ); and to stand to pronounce and receive blessings (1 Kings 8:14)

Am I required to do anything?
Whether you have followed Jesus for a long time or you are new to the faith we encourage everyone to participate at whatever level you feel comfortable.