Children's Ministry

We desire to partner with parents to prepare students

for a lifetime of walking with Jesus


Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 19:14). 

At Three Rivers, we believe children are a vital part of our ministry and worshipping community, and that the life-long journey of faith begins and ends with the gospel. This means that children can comprehend the good news about Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. We therefore build our children's ministry the same way we do our adult ministries ... centered around the gospel of Jesus Christ, and with His mission to the world as the central command.  

3 year olds through Pre-K

This year Brenda Sheffield and Madisin Wyrick will be teaching 3-year-olds through pre-K.

1st - 3rd Grade

Amanda Gain and Joanna Baker will teach our 1st-3rd graders.

Both of these younger classes will continue to work through the children’s curriculum that is offered by the PCA—“The Biggest Story.” Visit for a full overview of our curriculum and to order The Biggest Story Bible for your family. “The Biggest Story” podcast is a great lesson review for family discussion.

4th-6th Grade

We view our 4-6th grade class as a transition to help prepare students for youth group and ultimately for life as adults in the church. Here they dive deeper into topics such as prayer, what the Bible is and how to use it, the Church, justification, and the attributes of God. This year our 4-6th grade class will be co-taught by Amber Funderburk and Katrina Murphy. Students will work through a curriculum produced by Reformed Youth Ministry called Prayer 101. Students will learn the books of the Bible and practice navigating through their personal Bibles to find specific passages. They will also learn the structure and importance of personal and corporate prayer.

Youth Group

Our youth group is grades 7th-12th. In these years we seek to build on the foundation that has been laid in previous years. At times we will read, teach, and dig deeper into specific books of the Bible. At other times we will do topical studies or take a few weeks to examine Christian confessions and creeds to see what they say, what they mean, and what that means for us today.

7th - 8th Grade

This year Clayton Baker will be teaching on the Sermon on the Mount. 

9th - 12th Grade

Brian Pohlmeier will continue to teach the high schoolers. He will also be teaching on the Sermon on the Mount.


Brian Pohlmeier

Phone: 847-909-3571



Brenda Sheffield

Phone: 918-697-8757


